C Serialize To Xml

Active28 days ago

Is it possible to serialize and deserialize a class in C++?

I've been using Java for 3 years now, and serialization / deserialization is fairly trivial in that language. Does C++ have similar features? Are there native libraries that handle serialization?

An example would be helpful.

  • Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. In this article, I will show you how to serialize object to XML in C#. XML serialization converts the public fields and properties of an object into an XML stream.
  • XML serialization XML serialization serializes an object into an XML document. System.Xml.Serialization namespace provides methods for converting objects into XML and write into XML files. XML serialization provides greater interoperability and better forward-compatibility. Steps for serializing an object are as follows: 1. Create a stream.
  • The first argument is the file name, the seconds is the name of the application, and the third arguments specifies if the XML files needs to be read (for serialization this should be false and for de-serialization this should be true).

The JsonConvert has two helper methods for converting between JSON and XML. The first is SerializeXmlNode. This method takes an XmlNode and serializes it to JSON text. XML Serialize method. The XML serializer generates a document containing the values of the object's members in the XML format shown above. Here are the steps to creating your Serialize method: instantiate an XML document; add the root container element; set the classtype attribute; go into the container element.

12 Answers

The Boost::serialization library handles this rather elegantly. I've used it in several projects. There's an example program, showing how to use it, here.

The only native way to do it is to use streams. That's essentially all the Boost::serialization library does, it extends the stream method by setting up a framework to write objects to a text-like format and read them from the same format.

For built-in types, or your own types with operator<< and operator>> properly defined, that's fairly simple; see the C++ FAQ for more information.

Head GeekHead Geek
20k19 gold badges71 silver badges81 bronze badges

I realize this is an old post but it's one of the first that comes up when searching for c++ serialization.

I encourage anyone who has access to C++11 to take a look at cereal, a C++11 header only library for serialization that supports binary, JSON, and XML out of the box. cereal was designed to be easy to extend and use and has a similar syntax to Boost.

Boost is a good suggestion. But if you would like to roll your own, it's not so hard.

Basically you just need a way to build up a graph of objects and then output them to some structured storage format (JSON, XML, YAML, whatever). Building up the graph is as simple as utilizing a marking recursive decent object algorithm and then outputting all the marked objects.

I wrote an article describing a rudimentary (but still powerful) serialization system. You may find it interesting: Using SQLite as an On-disk File Format, Part 2.

10.9k3 gold badges38 silver badges60 bronze badges
Frank KruegerSerializeFrank Krueger
46k42 gold badges148 silver badges200 bronze badges

As far as 'built-in' libraries go, the << and >> have been reserved specifically for serialization.

You should override << to output your object to some serialization context (usually an iostream) and >> to read data back from that context. Each object is responsible for outputting its aggregated child objects.

This method works fine so long as your object graph contains no cycles.

If it does, then you will have to use a library to deal with those cycles.

Frank KruegerC Serialize To XmlFrank Krueger
46k42 gold badges148 silver badges200 bronze badges

I recommend Google protocol buffers.I had the chance to test drive the library on a new project and it's remarkably easy to use.The library is heavily optimized for performance.

C++ Map Serialization

Protobuf is different than other serialization solutions mentioned here in the sense that it does not serialize your objects, but rather generates code for objects that are serialization according to your specification.


Boost::serialization is a great option, but I've encountered a new project: Cereal which I find much more elegant! I highly suggest investigating it.

You can check the amef protocol, an example of C++ encoding in amef would be like,

Decoding in java would be like,

The Protocol implementation has codecs for both C++ and Java, the interesting part is it can retain object class representation in the form of name value pairs,I required a similar protocol in my last project, when i incidentally stumbled upon this protocol, i had actually modified the base library according to my requirements. Hope this helps you.


C Sharp Serialize To Xml

I recommend using boost serialization as described by other posters. Here is a good detailed tutorial on how to use it which complements the boost tutorials nicely: http://www.ocoudert.com/blog/2011/07/09/a-practical-guide-to-c-serialization/

15.8k3 gold badges39 silver badges69 bronze badges

Sweet Persist is another one.

C++ Serialize Object

It is possible to serialize to and from streams in XML, JSON, Lua, and binary formats.

I suggest looking into Abstract factories which is often used as a basis for serialization

I have answered in another SO question about C++ factories. Please see there if a flexible factory is of interest. I try to describe an old way from ET++ to use macros which has worked great for me.

C# Serialize Object To Xml

ET++ was a project to port old MacApp to C++ and X11. In the effort of it Eric Gamma etc started to think about Design Patterns. ET++ contained automatic ways for serialization and introspection at runtime.

43.1k16 gold badges102 silver badges140 bronze badges

If you want simple and best performance and don't care about backward data compatibility, try HPS, it's lightweight, much faster than Boost, etc, and much easier to use than Protobuf, etc.


Here is a simple serializer library I knocked up. It's header only, c11 andhas examples for serializing basic types. Here's one for a map to class.


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c++serialization or ask your own question.

13 Feb 2014CPOL

C++ Boost Serialization Examples

Simple and lightweight XML Serialization using tinyxml2


I was looking for a lightweight and easy to use XML Serialization library for C++.
Mainly for simple tasks like to store application settings or to send messages.
After looking around I found a few candidates. But most of them are too complicated or to heavy.
I thought there must be a simple solution, without defining a bulk of interfaces or helper classes.

How it works

Creating serializable classes is pretty simple and straightforward.

  1. Derive you class from 'Serializeable'
  2. Add members
    Members can be basic types like xString, xInt, xBool
    or complex types like member classes or collections of member classes.
  3. Register members in the constructor


  • Serialization / Deserialization
  • Member-Classes
  • Member-Collections
  • Copy / Clone objects
  • Compare objects
  • Find / Replace values
  • Complete code in 1 header and 1 code file (+tinyxml2)

Using the code

Let's have a look at the example 'application settings':
The first step is to define your class containing all needed setting values.
As you can see, serializeable members are defined as xString, xInt, xBool...
All other types are allowed, of course. They are simply ignored during the serialization process.

C# Serialize To Xml String

The second step is to register all x-members for serialization.
This is usually done in the constructor:

Set and access member values in your code:

Serialize the class to string:

XML - Result:

Deserialize from string:

Member Classes and Collections

Additionally we want to store database login and a list of used document items:

The updated ApplicationSettings class definition including document collection and login data.

Using member classes and collections:

Final XML:


Compare objects
Clone/Copy objects

C# Serialize To Xml File

C sharp serialize object to xml stringFind/Replace

Other frameworks

If you need a complete XML framework, have a look at Brian Aberle's XMLFoundation.
Nice Article!


Version 1.0: Initial publication.