Sheep Wolf Game

Wolf, Sheep, Cabbage at Cool Math Games: This one's another classic. You have to get a wolf, a sheep and a head of cabbage across the river. So that nothing (or no one) gets eaten in the process. Wolf, Sheep and Cabbage - Play it now at A farmer must transport a wolf, a sheep and cabbage from one side of a river to another using a boat. But in crossing the river by boat, the farmer could carry only himself and a single item – the wolf, the sheep or the cabbage. If left together, the wolf would eat the sheep, or the sheep would eat the cabbage.

  1. Dj Sheep Wolf Game
  2. Sheepwolf Dj Game

Dj Sheep Wolf Game

Wolf, Sheep & Cabbage Game: Help the man in the boat to move the wolf, the sheep and the box of cabbage to the other side of the lake in this challenging and addicting puzzle game. You can only bring one of these with you at a time. It is very important to note that the unguarded wolf will eat the sheep and the unguarded sheep will eat the cabbage, when the man isn’t around. Can you solve this tricky puzzle? Good luck!

How to Play: Use your computer mouse to click on the 3 buttons (sheep, wolf & cabbage) at the top of the game screen. When you click on the sheep picture, the sheep will be placed on the boat, when you click on the wolf button, the wolf will be put on the boat, etc. Click on the ‘GO’ button on the screen to row the boat to the other side of the lake.

If this Flash-based game no longer works on IE11 on your PC / MAC, try playing on Chrome or Firefox browser.

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